Tuesday, January 27, 2009



Please … give your attention….a minute…we want to introduce ourself, “ We are Dorokdok Gang ,but don’t be afraid with us because we are not crime person but we are nice person.”You can look our picture at above, How Nice We Are. ..Our gang be formed on December 29, 2008 (Moslem New Year). From left Aminah, Heni ( Our Madam Director), Dini, Weni, Sri, Tri and Riri.

A couple of us just met at the time. Aminah is my sister, Riri is Aminah’s friend they are from Jakarta. Heni and Weni are my friends in College from Bandung. Sri is Heni’s friend from Jakarta. Dini is Weni and Heni’s friend from Cianjur. We met because we want to spend our holiday to go to Garut. We went to Candi Cangkuang, Kawah Kamojang, Situregang and you know we spent almost three hours to find dorokdok and we went around almost five times in the same place only to find “dorokdok”. But finally we found it and when we bought dorokdok, Dini ask to seller, ”What is this???” She ask to Sundanese person in english, ofcourse the person very confuse and only gave us a little smile.

At the beginning We didn’t have a plan to form gang , it was suddenly out from our mind when we were on the way to go home. We thought we were very strong unity although most of us just met at the time and How Mean dorokdok for us, So we want to form gang and the name is Dorokdok.
We are flexible gang, in the next adventure we are always changging member, if you are nice person, no alcoholic, no smoking you can join us, it is easy requirement. So.. always follow my news and our adventure.

Wait a minute…you must be curious with the nice man in the picture. He is Hery Chow, he is our driver, our photographer, our teacher, our colleague and our member too and bla….bla… How can?????Dorokdok Gitu lo…..

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